Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Eon: Dragoneye Reborn

Eon: Dragoneye Reborn (Eon, #1)Eon: Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I had high expectations for this book. Which made it all the more disappointing when I finally got around to reading it and turned out to be nothing special.

The main character, Eona (16 yrs old), must pretend to be a boy (12 yrs old) in order to be a candidate to be chosen by 1 of 12 dragons to be a Dragoneye. She uses the excuse of being a Moon Shadow, a boy who does not mature, as an excuse for looking feminine. She is also crippled, which helps her hide her womanly curves. This is because women are not allowed the special position of Dragoneye, but her special ability to see the dragons is enough for her new master to train her. Obviously, this secret will become a problem.

Throughout the entire book, I kept waiting for something spectacular and unexpected to happen. That moment never came. (It could be that I've just been amazing at predicting things these days so nothing surprises me.) The story was dragged out to a point where I had to go back and reread things because I kept skipping pages. Way too much time was spent on unnecessary description that did not contribute to your imaginative picture or the moving of the plotline. It was so slow going that I had to force myself to keep reading. The plot had so much potential. Hopefully it's carried out in a better way in the sequel, Eona. Yes, I will be reading it.

Most of the characters were forgettable, except for a select few such as Prince Kygo and Lady Dela. They had some nice outstanding features, but other than that, I got all the people confused.

Overall, I was glad I read the book for the sake of the creative plot and the battle action that takes place in the end. It was lacking in the romance that I always like, but not every book can have that so the action scene at the end was a nice replacement for me. I would actually give the book 2.5 stars, but decided it was closer to 3 than 2 since I can't give halves.

I'll probably pick up Eona soon because I need a definite conclusion to the books I read.

View all my reviews


  1. I am still debating about wether or not I am going to read this book.

  2. I really can't get into "slow" books. If there are dull moments, especially early on, I usually drop it then and there. Thanks for the heads up - I'll see if I get to this one or not!

  3. Nice blog and review. I am a new follower. I would love a follow back on my blog. Donna

  4. Brilliant review and very honest :-) I've been debating this one for a while and I'm still in two minds.
    I found your blog through goodreads, you're doing a great job by the way.

    Leanne @
