Saturday, May 14, 2011


Bumped (Bumped, #1)Bumped by Megan McCafferty
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Going into this book I expected it to be all about one thing. Sex. To my delight, it went much deeper than that.

The two main characters, Melody and Harmony, are twins who were separated and birth and finally reunited. At first the two names were interchangable to me. But as the book got going, there was a distinct difference between the personalities of the girls that made them easy to tell apart. The thing was, they were learning new things about themselves along with you. This made for a great read.

Melody lives in a world where teenage girls are bred to bump. Because of the Virus that has been quickly spreading, only girls teenagers are able to become pregnant and keep the world population stable instead of rapidly decreasing. Melody has an agent, has all of the right looks and talents, has a family to bump for, and is just waiting for the right guy to bump. A professional. Not an everythingbut.

Harmony was raised in a completely different way. Being a slightly sickly child at birth, she was sent to be raised by the church. They tought her what to think, and she was never allowed to question the teachings. She was due to be married at 13, but things didn't follow through. Now she has a new finace, Ram. Will things work out better the second time around?

When Harmony shows up on Melody's doorstep, everything changes. The girls discover things about themselves that they hadn't known before, and both of their worlds change.

The only thing the book was lacking was the need for a bit more detail. Not necessarily for the "business" scenes, but for the more friendly and playful ones. I would have liked to know more about Melody's friends and peers. And I definitely would have liked more interaction with Zen. He was such a great guy. One that everyone wants to have on their side.

I definitely recommend this book, but mostly for girls ages 13 and up.

View all my reviews


  1. Great review! I've had my eye on this one for a while now. Have you read her Jessica Darling series yet?
    I placed your blog on my sidebar! I'll MSG you and will give you some tips for blogging!

  2. I haven't read it and wasn't really planning on it with all the books I have on my shelves right now. And my reviews of Bumped and Divergent were just quick to get some stuff up. I don't know what I'm doing for Eon though. Hmm.

    And thanks mah homie. Much appreciated haha.
