Wednesday, June 22, 2011


At the moment, I have a couple books that I plan to review. But I'm just not in the mood. I need to be inspired by a book right now. I have a ton of books on my shelves but none are really jumping out at me! If anyone has any suggestions for a book that will give me that amazing feeling that The Hunger Games gives me...hmm maybe I should read it again...let me know. I'm going to Borders this weekend and any fresh ideas would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta. Seriously. Read. This. ASAP. It's amazing. I almost guarantee you'll love it as much as I do :)

  2. I didn't read this book but I thought Forgotten by Cat Patrick looks good. You shod read a John Green book! Not Will Grayson, Will Grayson though because that was my least favorite out of his books. Did you ever read the Forest of Hands and Teeth? I heard that ones good and creepy.
